There’s a thousand things going on on my mind right now. So many things to do with one pair of hands and only 24 hours a day!
It’s Monday, and on the top of my mind, these are some of the things I have to complete today:
- Fight for company trip quotation of 60 pax
- Finish up a quotation for a VIP group going to Russia (tough quotation to do)
- Do up a quotation for a group that’s going to Kunming, China
- Do up a quotation for a group of Dato Sri’s to go to Qingdao
- Do up a quotation for a group going to Xi’An
- Launch our biggest guerrilla marketing campaign to date
- Follow up on the biggest collaboration proposal of my life with two of the biggest operators in Vietnam
- Go over my monthly company finances with my accounts person
- Celebrate a staff’s birthday
- Work out my timing for another business trip a week from now
- Finalise the details of a group departing for a trip a week from now
- A one day one thought for 30 days commitment that I am determined to complete
On top of these, we have a hyperactive daughter that demands a hundred-percent focus from the both of us when we are around, and we are determined to educate her the best we can and spend as much time as we can with her
The going is indeed getting tougher
My post today serves as a note to remind myself of the things to do when I am about to get mindf*cked
Take a deep breath
List down all the things that needs to be done, and break them down into smaller tasks so that its less daunting, then focus on ticking them off one at a time
Prioritise that list so that all the crucial ones are ticked off in order of importance
Look at the bright side of things
- So many quotations means business is taking off and people are starting to put their trust in my company
- The biggest collaboration proposal to date means a chance to be part of something that’s bigger than myself
- Our biggest guerilla campaign to date means a chance to bring our business to another level
- So many tasks means ample opportunities to put my skills and knowledge to use
The ultimate test of a person is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy
Martin Luther King, Jr
Maybe this is the opportunity for me stand my ground and power through, to learn and to grow
To come to think of it, maybe the going is not getting tough, maybe this is a sign that the business is growing and this is simply a stage of stretched resources that I need to go through so that I have the financial stability to get more resources to level up the business again
Maybe this is part of the journey of the path to success.
I think I feel better now
*Takes a deep breath*
Monday, bring it on